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How a date turned into a kidnapping nightmare

John Mungai Mbao and Elijah Chege Gitau during their hearing at the Nakuru magistrate's court on March 5, 2025.

Photo credit: Bret Sanya/Mtaa Wangu

On January 28, 2023, Kipchumba Barno found himself in an impossible situation when he was told he had to pay Sh600,000 in exchange for his daughter's life.

Like any parent, no amount of money was more important than the life of his daughter, so he decided to cooperate with the kidnappers' demands.

They insisted on receiving the money in installments. As they issued their demands, Barno hoped that the police would act quickly and find his daughter before it was too late.

"Tuma Sh200,000 fine utatuma usiku nitakupea number. Najua DCI wanakushow tunawapata ndio maana you are relaxed. Miss even one installation you will see.......... Send Sh200,000, fine. Send it tonight and I'll give you the number. I know the DCI is showing you that they are on our trail, that's why you are relaxed. Miss even one installment and you'll regret it."

"Tuma ya Sh20,000 usiku tuende poa or morning utakuwa unajuta vile unapenda pesa kuliko mtoto wako. Hatuongei tena........Send Sh20,000 tonight and we'll be fine. If you wait until morning, you'll regret that you love money more than your child. We won't talk to you again.

These are just a few of the many threatening messages Barno received from the kidnappers holding his daughter.

Daisy Chebet Barno, his daughter, vividly remembers the events of January 26, 2023, when she went to meet his friend Simon Phillip Amayama on a date. She had been introduced to him by her friend Mwende Faith. 

He picked her up at the Westside Mall, and first went to the Kabarak Center to pick up a package. He then returned with two other people.

It was at this point that things took a terrible turn. Simon claimed he needed to relieve himself, so he got out of the car, and while he was gone, the two men in the car grabbed Daisy's arms as she sat in the front seat. 

She tried to scream, but her captors overpowered her. When Simon returned to the car, he and the other two abductors drove to Daisy's apartment in Shabab area, where the driver went into her house and returned with her HP laptop, phone case, and laptop charger.

They drove for some time and Daisy only remembers seeing a sign that said they were in Murang'a. They soon arrived in Nairobi, where they took her to an Airbnb.

There she was kept under the supervision of Elijah Chege.
After three days, Daisy was moved to another location. The only landmark she could remember during this time was the Thika Superhighway. 

They later took her to a KFC fast-food outlet on the Eastern Bypass where they ordered food. While waiting, Daisy asked to use the restroom. 

She used this opportunity to convince a stranger to help her with her phone, which she used to send a text message to her father with details of the car she was in.

About 15-20 minutes later, Elijah Chege became concerned about the large crowd gathered at the fast food joint. 
He ordered them to leave the establishment.

But before they left the police arrived after tracking their location. They arrested Elijah Chege, John Mungai, and another person who had been using Daisy's phone. 

One of the abductors escaped but was later arrested. According to Collin Opiyo, a police officer who was part of the team that rescued Daisy, this happened on January 31, 2023.

In his ruling, Principal Magistrate Vincent Adit said the prosecution's evidence was consistent, reliable and sufficient to meet his standards.

"In the light of the substantial evidence presented by the prosecution, the defense has not presented a credible alternative narrative to create reasonable doubt in the mind of the court. The court finds both defendants, John Mungai Mbao and Elijah Chege Gitau, guilty of kidnapping with intent to confine," the Magistrate said.

Both men have been sentenced to four years in prison.

Speaking to Mtaa Wangu, Kipchumba Barno says that although he had hoped for a harsher sentence, he is relieved that their nightmare has finally come to an end.