Fresh details emerge on how minor stabbed friend to death in Kuresoi South

A yellow tape indicating a crime scene.
On February 27, the shocking news of a grade three student having stabbed his friend in Olenguruone made rounds on various social media platforms.
However, details on the matter remained scanty.
Mtaa Wangu reached out to the area chief Peter Langat, who narrates how the unfortunate incident occurred in a Posho Mill at around 7 pm, where the minor got into a fight with the deceased.
"While they fought, the minor who is a grade three pupil is said to have picked a fight with the grade four pupil. The fight escalated leading to the minor stabbing the deceased on the back using a knife. He always carried a knife," he says.
Mr. Lang’at says that the injured boy was rushed to a nearby private hospital but succumbed to his injuries while receiving treatment.
The Chief, additionally says that the minor has had a troubled life all the while.
"The boy is troublesome. He has been living with his grandmother after his mother remarried. There was a time he wanted to beat up his grandmother, but luckily, she was helped by Nyumba kumi officials," says Mr. Lang’at.
"After committing the crime, the minor went into hiding and was later arrested and handed over to police.
According to the chief, the residents prefer that the boy be kept in a juvenile institution instead of being released back to the community.
Mtaa Wangu further followed up with the Kuresoi South sub county police commander Francis Omullo, who during a phone interview confirmed the incident saying that the minor was taken into custody.
"I cannot reveal much information at the moment since the case involves a minor. But he was taken into custody," he says.
The body was later moved to Olenguruone sub county hospital mortuary for preservation, awaiting post mortem.