War memorial saga: Court ruling widens rift between Kihika and Keroche

The gate leading to Nakuru war memorial permanently shut using metal grills on October 29, 2023.


A ruling by the court in Nyandarua reversing the cancellation of the lease title issued to Nakuru war memorial hospital has received mixed reactions from the stakeholders.

In the decision, the Environment and Lands Court Judge Yuvinalis Angima quashed the Gazette Notice by the Nakuru Land Registrar that cancelled the Certificate of Lease that was issued to the Nakuru War Memorial Hospital

The ruling has now become the subject of discussion in the county which has roped in both the county governor Susan Kihika, senator Tabitha Karanja Keroche and some notable residents.

Governor Susan Kihika and senator Tabitha Karanja during the campaigns in 2022.

Photo credit: COURTESY

Ms Kihika while expressing her disappointment on her Facebook post termed the decision, a setback in the gains made by the county towards recovery of the Public land hosting the hospital which according to her was grabbed.

She maintained that the lease extension of 50 years issued to the Nakuru War memorial hospital in 2021 was irregularly processed.

The governor further lamented over an alleged unfairness by the court after the county was denied hearing in the case.

“The court has attempted to thwart the gains made by the people of Nakuru in reclaiming the Public Land that hosts Nakuru War Memorial Hospital… We advise the people of Nakuru to remain calm since truth will prevail in the end and we shall smoke out the Land grabbers,” stated Ms Kihika as she vowed to contest the decision at the court of appeal.

In yet another statement posted on her X account in relation to the dispute , Ms Kihika seemed to direct her fury to spoken word artist Willie Oeba whom she accused of attention seeking.

Mr Oeba in his post had raised concerns over the closure of major hospitals in the county naming Nakuru war memorial hospital and the Mediheal hospital in the list.

In her response however, Ms Kihika chided Mr Oeba for allegedly seeking her attention through what she termed as his ‘little emotional poems’ which she said will not deter her from pursuing her cause.

“You have been dying for my attention since I saw you tag me in your little emotional poems day in and day out! Here I am,” stated Ms Kihika.

She continued “no amount of populist statements or insults in support of land grabbers will help them. They cannot fraudulently forge a lease trying to convert public property to private property and get away with it. We are still in the courts and I’m sure justice will prevail! Hold your horses,”

On the other hand, Senator Karanja welcomed the ruling by the court which she said had delivered justice for the people of Nakuru who are the beneficiaries of the hospital services.

Ms Keroche noted that the ruling proved that the Private management are genuine owners of the land and urged the county government to hand over the hospital back to its owners in compliance with the ruling.

“This morning I am happy to report that the gazette Notice issued by Nakuru County government to nullify Extension of lease of war memorial hospital was declared null and void. This means War Memorial Hospital had genuine documents of extension of lease for further 50 years,” she stated on her Facebook post.

The hospital Matron Patricia Musela also welcomed the court's ruling noting that it is the first sign of positive outcome of the cases that are pending in court.

Matron at Nakuru war memorial hospital Patricia Njeri during an interview on January 24, 2024.

Photo credit: FILE

The matron said the ruling vindicates them from allegations of forging the lease that led to arrest and prosecution of its directors.

She challenged the county to obey the court order and vacate the premises.