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Shock as man kills self in Molo hospital

Entrance into Molo sub county hospital.


Police officers in Molo are investigating a case that left the residents in shock after a man, David Musee , hanged himself in the Molo sub county hospital while he was undergoing treatment.

The old man who had come from the village of Kamwaura, Kuresoi North had been brought to the hospital to receive treatment. 

Witness accounts state that while at the facility, Musee avoided a relative of his, who was taking care of him, excusing himself to use the washroom.

The young boy who was taking care of Musee , went to look for him after it took some time for him to come back .

The boy's search led him to washrooms where he found that the deceased had hanged himself with a sweater. He then informed the hospital’s management who informed the police officers.

Residents expressed their surprise as this was the first case witnessed in the hospital

In a phone call interview with the Nakuru Heath CECM Roselyne Mungai she confirmed that the incident happened in the hospital, adding that the county will be collaborating with police to know the cause of death after the post -mortem has been conducted.

“We have written our statements outlining what happened at the hospital. The patient was brought in by a relative and was found dead in the hospital premises. Currently the matter is under the police. As a hospital we do not want to pronounce the case as suicide, but allow the police or autopsy results to give a conclusive report on the man’s death,” she remarks.

According to the Molo Sub- County Police Commander, Timon Odingo, preliminary investigations do not show foul play from the nurses.

He notes that the 64 years old had a psychiatric case and had informed his family that he did not want to go to hospital.

“We think it might be psychological issues that might have pushed the man to such extremes. However, we are waiting for the family to confirm their scheduled date for the autopsy to confirm the cause of death,” he says. 

The body is being preserved at the mortuary in the hospital.