Residents Raise Concern Over Increased 'Kanjo' Presence in CBD
Nakuru City residents have raised concerns over what they term as heavy presence of county enforcement officers (kanjo) in the city’s CBD.
The concerns have been raised based off fears that the county askaris may start harrasing the traders as has been reported in the past.
A spot check by this writer within the CBD revealed several county enforcement officers situated at various points trying to ensure there is order.
Locals who spoke to this writer on condition of anonymity, claimed the enforcement within the CBD is too much.
“We have enforcement officers everywhere and they are even more than the business people in town until we are wondering what is the big issue in town” said one businessman.
Joseph Kamau, a motorbike bodaboda operator, noted that the enforcement officers are making the City look as if it is becoming a military camp.
But responding to the concerns raised by a section of locals who feel the enforcement within CBD is too much, Nakuru City Manager Gitau Thabanja called for calmness among city dwellers.
According to Thabanja, security, order and sanity is key to any developing city and Nakuru is not exceptional.
"It is for this reason that enforcement has been enhanced in the CBD so that those contravening the directives issued face the full wrath of the law," Thabanja notes..
It will be noted that in December 2022, the County Government of Nakuru through Governor Susan Kihika announced the return of PSV Matatus back to CBD two years down the line after they were evicted by the former regime.
The return however came with conditions that through their leadership, the operators would ensure total order and sanity in Nakuru CBD.
Governor Kihika warned that they will be evicted again if they flouted any of the rules that were set for their return.