Nakuru para volley ball player misses out on national team over lack of funds

The para volleyball team practicing in Nakuru.
When the news of Erick Ndege being nominated to the National para volleyball team came about, it brought joy to the Nakuru sitting volleyball members who saw it as an opportunity for the team to soar even higher.
Ndege was among two members of the team who in June this year were nominated to the National team.
However, this joy was short-lived after it emerged that he could not afford to camp and attend training in Nairobi as is the norm for national teams.
This was occasioned by lack of financial muscles to facilitate his upkeep as well as enable his family back in Nakuru survive for the days that he was to be attending training in Nairobi.
Mtaa Wangu caught up with Ndege during the normal practice that the team undertakes at one of the private fields on the outskirts of Nakuru City.
As he struggles with controlling the ball during trainings, one might not understand the sorrow in his heart having lost the golden opportunity to represent his team in the national team.
In an interview, he reveals to Mtaa Wangu that after the inter-counties para sports held in Eldoret in June, his talent in para volleyball was noticed earning him a chance in June to be nominated to the national team.
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This later saw him travel to Nairobi for the initial training that lasted for two months in preparation for international games.
He is however quick to note that life was not easy during the training as he was unable to cater for his upkeep in Nairobi as well as take care of the family back in Nakuru.
Other expenses such as passport, and test for Yellow Fever was also another challenge that they were facing having come from a humble background with not financial muscles.
He had to opt out, cutting short his dream of playing in the National para volley team despite being nominated to the team.
“The numerous challenges among them lack of finances saw me opt out of the training and came back to Nakuru,” he says.
His hope is that one day a well-wisher shall show up to support the Nakuru Para Volley Team that will see their dreams achieved.
Having participated in the inter-counties’ games, Ndege is optimistic that the team shall one day soar higher.
Mr. John Kibaki- a player with Nakuru Sitting Volleyball Team argues that the County Government of Nakuru should embrace the team through financial support.
Sentiments echoed by the team’s Chairperson Fredrick Omondi who states despite participating and representing Nakuru County in the inter-counties, there is nothing to smile about ten years down the line.
He points out that seven members of the team were to be part of the National Team in Nairobi but the dream has not been realized due to lack of support for their training at Kasarani in preparations for 2024 Paralympic Qualifiers scheduled for November in Cairo, Egypt.
“Whatever our players are going through continues to kill their dreams and it is high time that people of good-will step in,” he says.