Why the catchy phrase "Flossin Mauwano" is making a debut in Nakuru

Flossin Mauwano written on a plaque along the Nakuru-Nairobi highway.
As you head towards State House, you may have noticed some graffiti writings on plaques that read Flossin Mauwano in white.
For those who live in Nairobi and its environs, these writings are not new; they can be seen on some of the major roads in the city centre.
But here in Nakuru, most people who do not know the meaning of the phrase would immediately associate it with a criminal gang or something similar.
However, according to Stephen Mule, the inventor of the slogan 'Flossin Mauwano', in an interview with The Standard, says the slogan was coined out of pain, hunger and anger.
This was after his parents were involved in an accident along Langata Road in Nairobi while trying to escape an angry group of youths who were chasing them during the 1997 election violence.
Flossin Mauwano is a movement that aims to raise awareness about road safety. In an earlier interview, Mule explained: "Flossin in this case gives an impression of driving a car and having a feeling of pride of being a car owner, Mauwano on the other hand tries to inform the driver that the road you are on is a black spot and therefore you should be very careful while driving."
In Nakuru, these writings can be seen along the busy Nakuru-Nairobi highway, which has claimed many lives over the years.
In August last year, Mtaa Wangu reported on a fatal accident along the same route that claimed the lives of five of the six members of a family travelling from Gilgil to Nakuru when their Mercedes Benz collided with a lorry travelling in the opposite direction.

Flossin Mauwano written on a stone near the Lenana Primary School in Nakuru.
In recent years, this stretch of road has been the scene of many similar and much more serious accidents that have claimed many lives.
While Mule's action could be seen as a noble attempt to raise awareness about road accidents, he has also come under heavy criticism from a section of netizens who describe his actions as vandalism and fail to see how his message relates to road safety, while others see it as creativity and a way of expressing his artistry.