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Kihika at One: What Susan has done for the people of Nakuru

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika.

Photo credit: COURTESY

In this part of the Series, Mtaa Wangu, takes stock of the development projects that Governor Susan Kihika has embarked on, in the last one year in office.

As far as developmental projects are concerned, some say she has notably been an exceptional leader, lauding her for picking up projects from her predecessor Lee Kinyanjui and fast tracking their completion.

Among these projects includes the Lanet Airport, Afraha stadium, Keringet high altitude sports academy, Naivasha fish market, ultra-modern market in Nakuru City, borehole and dam projects as well as a new bus terminus among others.

Afraha Stadium which stands at the heart of Nakuru city takes the lead, being one of the biggest projects which many, especially those in the sporting fraternity wish to see completed.

Ongoing works at Afraha stadium.


Upon assuming office, the Governor pledged to fast track the completion of the stadium.

According to the acting county secretary, Dr Samuel Mwaura, Ms. Kihika has managed to push the stadium from 37 percent to 90 percent completion, adding that there is a likelihood to have the first match played on the stadium this December.

Speaking of their eagerness to have the stadium opened, St. Josephs FC coach George Harrison says, they are putting in the work to get promoted back into the FKF National Super League, placing them at an advantage and giving them a chance to use the stadium upon its completion.

On the FKF premier league side, women’s team Nakuru City Queens and men’s team Ulinzi stars stand to benefit also by holding the home matches at the stadium.

As this project gives the governor a thumbs up amongst Nakuru residents, the new bus terminus she launched is alluding mixed reaction among locals.

Whereas the County Secretary, Dr Mwaura, notes that the new matatu stage seating on a 10-acre land, is being done in a quest to decongest Nakuru City and to complement the new Kisulisuli ultra-modern market, some residents say these projects were initiated by the government without any public participation.

 “We know that the two projects are sponsored by the national government. However, Governor Kihika has the power to listen to her people and get into talks on whether the project would serve their needs,” says Simon Nasieku, a business person.

Stating his disinterest with the bus park, Nasieku asks the governor to learn from the Nairobi Green Park bus terminus which stands abandoned.

Governor Susan Kihika during the ground breaking ceremony of Nakuru modern bus park .

Photo credit: COURTESY

“We would rather have some affordable housing project on that land than waste sh 280 million of taxpayer money only for people to reject the stage as we have seen in Nairobi,” he says.

Echoing his sentiments, Uchumi 44 manager David Gachie, says the new stage would do a lot of disservice both to town service operators and those commuting using this vehicle.

“I applaud the governor for bringing the matatu’s back to town. However, walking all the way to the new bus terminus for someone who lives in shabab or white house is more or less telling them to be walking home as they would be covering the same distance to board the vehicles,” says Gachie.

Ongoing works at the modern bus park in Nakuru city.


While outlining Ms Kihika's achievements since she assumed office, Dr Mwaura says, she has been able to sink boreholes and revive those that were sunk before but were not functioning.

“We have managed to rehabilitate 185 boreholes that did not function out of the approximate 300 existing ones. Notably solarization is something we have considered to enhance sustainability and hand over this borehole to be managed by water utilities rather than the communities for better water service delivery,” says CS Mwaura in regards to Governor Kihika’s promise on the availability of safe water for use.

In addition, the County Secretary says that the governor has been keen on rehabilitation of the road infrastructure, seeing that in one year she has been able to open virgin roads to ease road connection issues and rehabilitate those in bad shape.

He says some of the high impact roads, under the rehabilitation of road infrastructure, include the Gitare -Kariandusi road, Korofa- Amalo road in Kuresoi sub county , rehabilitation of the molo Bus Park among others projects that are currently going on .

Reflecting on other projects like the Lanet Airport which is meant to give Nakuru aviation connection, Dr. Mwaura says the governor has been advocating on behalf of the people of Nakuru to the Ministry of transports, Kenya Aviation Authority and Kenya Defence Forces to have the airport completed and currently the work is ongoing at the site.

As for Keringet sports academy, which is an ideal training ground for athletes hailing in this region, he says the governor has solved the contractual issues that may have made the projects to lag and that work is currently ongoing.