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Inside Nakuru's Jamia mosque

Jamia mosque in Nakuru CBD is the main mosque in Nakuru.

Photo credit: FILE

Nakuru’s Jamia Mosque is the main mosque within Nakuru city.

Centrally located at the junction of Mburu Gichua Road and mosque road, the mosque is one of the iconic structures within the City’s central business district built in the colonial era.

Sitting on a 100 by 200 meters’ square plot, the mosque was built in 1952 by an Indian businessman, Ibrahim Karimbux.

With the help of his brother, Mr Karimbux dedicated two of his plots within the then Nakuru town measuring 50 by 100 meters each towards establishment of the religious hub for the Muslim faithful within the town and its environs.

In the 1960s, Karimbux rallied Muslim believers both from Indian origin and non-Indians to form the Muslims Association of Nakuru. The non-Indian Muslims belonged to an association called Baladia which was based in Bondeni.

The association whose top leadership consisted of the chairperson, treasurer and secretary became the overall in charge of the Jamia mosque and its assets as well as all other mosques in the region.

With a maximum capacity of 800 people, the mosque has two sections for men and women with an office for the Imam and the mosque committee leadership.

Muslim faithful participate in Ramdan prayers at Jamia mosque in Nakuru city.


The mosque is headed by an Imam Adan Osman and his deputy Sheikh Omar.

Administratively, Jamia Mosque, like all other mosques in Nakuru is managed by the Jamia mosque committee which is under the umbrella of the Muslim Association of Nakuru.

The current Jamia Mosque committee chairman is Sheikh Walid Ibrahim.

It has a total of 10 staff members.