How to deal with imposter syndrome at the workplace
I had always wanted to work as a writer, so when this opportunity came along, I was overjoyed and immediately wanted to be one of the best.
Many articles and months later, I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't belong here and that soon everyone around me would find out I was a fraud who was simply faking it.
These feelings were only exaggerated by the culture shock I experienced having moved from the banking hall to a media house.
I am yet to fully address my imposter syndrome but from one Gen Z to another, here’s what you can do if you’re also struggling:
1. Seek Support
If there's one thing we, the Gen Z know how to do, is to shout for help whenever we need to. Extend this same principal to the workplace.
You can either confide in your supervisor or identify someone to take u as a mentor to help guide and advice you.
2. Learn, learn and learn
Yes, you may be new to the role, but take active measures to observe and learn from your colleagues.
Being the Gen Z you are, you'll be surprised how quickly you'll catch on and even be the one giving various innovative ideas.
3.Give yourself a pat on the back
One way to shut off negative self-talk is to acknowledge your wins.
How so? You can either journal or simply just note your strengths, achievements and whenever you get something right and are even congratulated on it.
4. Connect with you peers
You'd be shocked that most of your other Gen Z colleagues that seem to have it figured out are either struggling just like you or were once in that boat.
Connecting with your peers can also result in major mind set shifts and forming of some great connections.
Remember to put yourself out there while at work and volunteer to even run a project to help you boost your confidence. You've got this!